Growing And Healing Through Poetry
As a collective, this time in history is asking us to hold many things—whether it be sickness war, natural disasters, crime, addiction, or cancel culture—we can't do it alone. And sometimes, the road we follow through our suffering is found in other people's words who can help us bear the reality we're living.
For Those Grieving The Baby They Lost Or Haven’t Yet Conceived
In honor of Pregnancy and Baby Loss Awareness Month, I am sharing a poem I wrote for two friends suffering, one unable to conceive a child, and the other — another child. In writing this, I transferred my own unmet longings of not having a child to hold to meet their unmet longings. If you are grieving a baby that you have lost, or one that you haven’t even conceived yet, I think you will resonate with the grief shared in this poem.
Sometimes the “Hard” is Life-Giving
Sometimes hard journeys teach the best lessons. Whether that’s literally climbing a mountain, or becoming a mother. What lessons have you learned from your hard journey lately?